Weでは、"今流れている~Current Topics~"をもとに、日本語を学ぶ世界の人たちとディスカッションする機会があります。
In Japanese mythology, there is a story of the creation of a land called "Kuni-Umi"(birth of the country). It is also called the "Kuni-umi-Shinwa" myth.
The "Kuni-Umi" was commanded by the "Kotoamatsu-gami (Kotoamatsu-gods)" special deities responsible for creating all things, to a couple, "Izanagi and Izanami."
The couple stood on the "Ameno-ukihashi Bridge" and stirred up the chaos on earth with the "Amenu no Nuboko," a spear given to them by the "Kotoamatsu-gami."
The drops that fell from the spear accumulated to form "Onogoro Island," which was the beginning of the Japanese archipelago.
The story of "Kuni-Umi" is followed by the story of "Kami Umi" (the birth of the gods).

このブログで登場する人物「Izanami (いざ波)」と「Izanagi (イザ凪)」はこの日本の神話から由来します。
The characters "Izanami" and "Izanagi" in this blog are derived from this Japanese myth.
English | 日本語 | English Example Sentence 日本語の例文 |
Western | 西洋 | From the Western perspective, Japan is seen as an island nation located at the easternmost end. 西洋からは日本は東の果てに位置する島国として見られています。 |
island nation | 島国 | Japan is a beautiful island nation, known for its rich nature and culture. 日本は美しい島国であり、豊かな自然と文化が魅力です。 |
isolated | 孤立した | Japan was once in an isolated environment, but now it actively engages in interactions with the world. 日本は古くは孤立した環境にありましたが、今では世界との交流が盛んです。 |
foreign cultures | 外国文化 | Japan has embraced foreign cultures while integrating them with its own unique culture. 日本は外国文化を受け入れつつ、独自の文化と融合させてきました。 |
Buddhism | 仏教 | Buddhism originated in India and was brought to Japan via China. 仏教はインドで誕生し、中国を経由して日本にもたらされました。 |
Zen | 禅 | Zen blossomed in Japan and has spread worldwide as part of Japanese culture. 禅は日本で開花し、世界中に日本の文化として広まっています。 |
Shojin ryori | 精進料理 | Shojin ryori is a healthy cuisine that originated from Buddhist practices and is one of Japan’s traditional dishes. 精進料理は仏教の修行から生まれた健康食であり、日本の伝統的な料理の一つです。 |
modernization | 近代化 | Since the start of modernization during the Meiji Restoration, Japan has seen the fusion of Japanese and foreign cultures. 近代化が始まった明治維新以来、日本では日本文化と外国文化の融合が進んできました。 |
Japanese-style room | 和室 | While the number of houses with only wooden flooring has been increasing in recent years, there are still many houses with Japanese-style rooms. 近年はフローリングのみの家も増えていますが、まだ和室のある家も多く存在します。 |
traditional events | 伝統行事 | While overseas events like Christmas and Halloween are embraced, traditional events such as Hinamatsuri, Tanabata, and Setsubun are still celebrated. クリスマスやハロウィンといった海外の行事が受け入れられつつも、ひなまつりや七夕、節分などの伝統行事も行われています。 |
coexistence | 共存 | Foreign cultures have been coexisting with Japanese culture, integrating into it while also being adapted to suit the Japanese style. 外国からの文化は日本の文化と共存し、日本文化に統合されたり、日本風に改良されたりしてきました。 |
Izanami (いざ波)
西洋から見れば、 日本はユーラシア大陸の最東端に位置する島国です。
From a Western perspective, Japan is an island nation located at the easternmost tip of the Eurasian continent.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
Because of its isolated environment, Japan showed interest in foreign cultures and actively adopted them.

Izanami (いざ波)
In ancient times, it evolved by taking Chinese characters and Buddhism mainly from China and rearranging it to fit the Japanese style.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
Buddhism was born in India and came to Japan via China. Although it declined in India and China, it is still spiritually and culturally integrated in Japanese society.

Izanami (いざ波)
Zen, which blossomed in Japan, has spread throughout the world as Japanese culture. Shojin ryori (vegetarian cuisine), which was born out of Buddhist practice, is another example of healthy food.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
The Japanese are adept at thoroughly pursuing tastes that suit the Japanese palate and evolving existing dishes into something new.

Izanami (いざ波)
In recent years, ramen and many other dishes have spread throughout the world as “Japanese cuisine.”
Izanagi (いざ凪)
While foreign foods are being fused to be more Japanese, other world cuisines such as Chinese, Korean, and Western cuisines are also being eaten together.

Izanami (いざ波)
World alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and whiskey, which came from the West, are also coexisting with sake and shochu.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
Tea (green tea), which came from China, is now an indispensable drink in daily life, but coffee and black tea from the West are equally prevalent.

Izanami (いざ波)
Since the Meiji Restoration (19th century), which marked the beginning of Japanʼs modernization, there has been a fusion of Japanese and foreign cultures in various fields.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
There are shrines next to urban skyscrapers, or old-fashioned streets like Asakusa in the midst of a modern city.

Izanami (いざ波)
The techniques used to create traditional buildings such as shrines have been handed down to this day.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
Japan is home to many companies that have been in business for more than 200 years, including the oldest company in the world, which has been around for more than 1,400 years which is the largest number in the world.

Izanami (いざ波)
Coexistence of Japanese and Western cultures can be seen in various areas.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
Although the number of houses with only wooden flooring has been increasing in recent years, there are still many houses with Japanese-style rooms with tatami flooring.

Izanami (いざ波)
The kotatsu is a heating appliance that warms the lower half of the body, mainly the legs, and it is still used by some households as a place for family gatherings.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
While overseas events such as Christmas, Halloween, and Valentineʼs Day are accepted as events, traditional events such as Hinamatsuri (Dollʼs festival), Tanabata (Star festival), and Setsubun are still held.

Izanami (いざ波)
Many national cultures that were invaded or heavily influenced by foreign nations were threatened with extinction, including their languages.
Izanagi (いざ凪)
“However, Japan has taken culture from abroad and integrated it into Japanese culture by letting it coexist, or by modifying it in a Japanese style.”

「We Languages」では、今流れている"Current Topics"をもとにして英語授業を展開する。コンテンツパートナーである月刊誌「Hiragana Times」を使用し日本語を学ぶ外国人生徒と同じクラス、同じコンテンツの上でディスカッションするリアルなコミュニケーションの機会が提供されています。リアリティーの中で英語を活用しありのままの日本を英語で説明する能力が高まり真の実力が身につきます。