February 2023
Criteria for “Gender Equality”
Author: Natsuko Seki When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 調査 ちょうさ survey 2022 年度の「ジェンダー・ギャップ指数」の調査で、日本は 146カ国中116 位に。In the 2022 Gender Gap Index survey, Japan ranked 116th out of 146 countries. 結果 けっか result […]
The Unique We Languages WWW Approach: Helping You Find Your Voice
Author: Alison Carter The We Languages approach to language learning is a unique and innovative one that emphasizes the importance of human expression and communication. Usually, someone enrolling in a language learning course may think the focus will be on grammar, structure, and pronunciation. Of course, these aspects are important, and without a solid foundation […]