June 2023
How to Use Tonikaku and Toriaezu To Improve Your Japanese Now!
Author: Mizuki Ichihira When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. Tonikaku Akarui Yasumura-san Japanese comedian "Tonikaku Akarui Yasumura"-san, a recent finalist on the famous British TV show "Britain's Got Talent," is making waves in the entertainment industry. Although he didn't win the final, he sure won the hearts of […]
Ukiyo-e Talk Session
The Japonisme Influence in the World. Ukiyo-e, the Japanese art of woodblock prints, notably influenced the art of European art icons like Van Gogh and Monet. At a time when religious painting dominated the European art scene, the emergence of Ukiyo-e opened their eyes to its expressive liberty and the dynamism of its two-dimensional depiction. […]
5 Useful M-Words You Must Know When Learning Japanese!
Want to improve your Japanese conversational skills? Here's a list of 5 useful Japanese M-words you will use in everyday conversations!
5 Useful M-Words You Must Know When Learning Japanese!
Author: Mizuki Ichihira & Valeria japanese M-Words When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. Learning a new language is always an exciting journey filled with challenges and yet a lot of discoveries. Along the way, you'll encounter words that many people like to use. They can have a special meaning or […]
A Beach Where You Can Swim and Meet Whales
Author: Katsuyuki Hasegawa When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) クジラ クジラ Whales 和歌山県太地町は、年間を通じて見ることができるクジラと400年以上の深いつながりがあります。Wakayama Prefecture's Taiji Town has a 400-year bond with whales, visible throughout the year. 餌やり えさやり Feeding 博物館では、来場者はクジラやイルカに餌やりをしたり、ショーを観たりして楽しむことができます。At the museum […]
Wooden Jungle Gym Made by a Traditional Construction Method
Author: Natsuko Seki When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 木製 もくせい Wooden 兵庫県で木製ジャングルジムのワークショップが開催されました。A wooden jungle gym workshop was held in Hyogo Prefecture. 組み立て くみたて Assembling 子供たちは、9月に篠山チルドレンズミュージアムで木製ジャングルジムを組み立てました。Children assembled a wooden jungle gym at […]
Japanese Vocabulary: 13 Summer Words You Need to Know
Discover the joy of learning Japanese by exploring the captivating Japanese Summer words like Yukata, Obon, Hanabi, Ajisai, and many others!
Maunto wo toru [New Expression and Buzzword]
Author: Natsuko Seki When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. マウントをとるMounting Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 優位 ゆうい superiority 「マウントをとる」ことは、自分が優位に立つことを目的としています。The phrase "maunto wo toru" (mounting) refers to the act of trying to establish oneself as superior […]
Totonou [New Expression and Buzzword]
Author: Natsuko Seki When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. ととのうRevitalize Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 調和 ちょうわ harmony 「ととのう」は調和がとれた状態のことをいいます。"Totonoau"(revitalize) refers to a state of harmony and balance. 愛好家 あいこうか enthusiast 最近ではサウナ愛好家がよく使っています。In recent years, sauna […]
“Tidying Up” Spreads to the World as Japanese Culture
Author: Katsuyuki Hasegawa When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 整理整頓 せいりせいとん Tidying up アメリカ在住の日本人女性、近藤麻理恵さんが、整理整頓で世界に影響を与えました。 KONDO Marie, a Japanese woman living in the United States, greatly influenced the global interest in tidying up. […]