Author: Katsuyuki Hasegawa

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You can make your life spark a joy with the KonMari method
KonMari Method - Always thank your home and connect with it spiritually
KonMari Method, declutter one of the first steps to tidying up, following the unique method of "What spark a joy to you?"
KonMari method - an organized space leads to an organized life
KonMari Method - Give space to you and your home

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Keywords and Summary

Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English)
整理整頓 せいりせいとん Tidying up アメリカ在住の日本人女性、近藤麻理恵さんが、整理整頓で世界に影響を与えました。
KONDO Marie, a Japanese woman living in the United States, greatly influenced the global interest in tidying up.
発売 はつばい Release 彼女の本『人生がときめく片づけの魔法』が2010年に発売後、世界的なベストセラーになり、タイム誌の「世界で最も影響力のある100人」(2015年)に選ばれました。
She became a global bestseller, and was listed as one of Time Magazine's '100 Most Influential People in the World' (2015), after her book 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,' was released in 2010.
受賞しました じゅしょうしました Won 今年、彼女の本を元にしたテレビシリーズがデイタイム・エミー賞を受賞しました
This year, a television series adapted from her book won a Daytime Emmy Award.
見いだす みいだす Discover こんまりメソッドは、整理整頓を通じて自分の内面の価値観を見いだすことにより、理想の人生を創り出す方法を提案しています。
The "KonMari Method" s promotes to us that through tidying up we can discover our inner values to create the life we truly desire.
取捨選別する しゅしゃせんべつする Sorting out 彼女は、「ときめき」を取捨選別するための鍵として信じています。
She believes in the "Spark of Joy" as the key to sorting out what to keep.
根付いています ねづいています Rooted 日本には整理整頓が深く根付いています。特に小学校の玄関に整然と並ぶ靴が注目されています。
In Japan, the sense of tidiness and orderliness is deeply rooted. The neat rows of shoes at the entrance of elementary schools have attracted attention in particular.
生産性 せいさんせい Productivity トヨタを含めた日本企業は整理整頓を生産性の向上のための基本的な姿勢として重視しています。
Japanese companies, including Toyota, emphasize organization and tidiness as fundamental for increased productivity.
自発的 じはつてき Voluntarily 多くのお客はレストランで食事を終えた後、スタッフが掃除しやすいように自発的に食器をまとめます。
Many customers voluntarily organize dishes at restaurants to facilitate easier cleanup for the servers.
重要性 じゅうようせい Importance 文化勲章受章者である故・梅澤忠夫氏は、そのベストセラー「知的生産の技術」において、情報整理の重要性を強調しました。
UMESAO Tadao, an Order of Culture recipient, stressed the importance of information organization in his bestseller "The Art of Intellectual Production."
断捨離 だんしゃり Decluttering 日本では、断捨離ブームがよく起こっています。
In Japan, there is a frequent boom in decluttering.

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It seems that there is now a worldwide interest in tidying up. One of the major influences on this phenomenon can be said to be KONDO Marie (a.k.a. KonMari), a Japanese woman living in the United States.

今、整理整頓に世界的な関心が集まっているようです。その現象に大きく影響を与えたのはアメリカ在住の日本人女性、近藤麻理恵さん(通称:こんまり) と言えるでしょう。

Her book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” released in 2010, became an international bestseller and she was named one of Time Magazineʼs “100 Most Influential People in the World” (2015).


Furigana for the “Tidying Up” Spreads to the World as Japanese Culture

This year, an original television series based on her book won a Daytime Emmy Award.


The unique quality of the “KonMari Method” that she advocates is that through tidying up, one can look inside oneself and discover oneʼs own values of what kind of life one wants to be surrounded by.


Learn Japanese easier with Hiragana
Learn Japanese easier with Hiragana

She has her own unique viewpoints, such as “The secret to sorting out what to keep is based on whether or not you feel a ʻSpark of Joy.ʼ”


In Japan, the sense of tidiness and orderliness is deeply rooted. Many foreigners are impressed by the neat rows of shoes at the entrance of elementary schools.


Hiragana, romaji and translation, for an easier understanding and learning.
Hiragana, romaji and translation, for an easier understanding and learning.

Many Japanese companies, including Toyota, also require their employees to be organized and tidy as a basic attitude leading to higher productivity.


Many customers voluntarily organize the dishes once they have finished eating at a restaurant to make it easier for the server to clean up.


Furigana for the “Tidying Up” Spreads to the World as Japanese Culture
Furigana for the “Tidying Up” Spreads to the World as Japanese Culture

The late UMESAO Tadao, a recipient of the Order of Culture, emphasized the importance of organizing information in his bestseller “The Art of Intellectual Production.”


In Japan, there is a frequent boom in decluttering. Just as SEN no Rikyu, the founder of the tea ceremony, incorporated spirituality into the tea ceremony, the “dou (way)” of Japanese culture is reflected in KonMariʼs method of tidying up.

日本では 断捨離ブーム が頻繁に起こっています。茶道の開祖である千利休が茶会に精神性を取り入れたように、こんまりさんの片づけメソッドにも日本文化の「道」を感じます。

Learn Japanese and the art of "tidying up" from KonMari.
Learn Japanese and the art of "tidying up" from KonMari.

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