March 2023
COVID-19 – School Information
Dear Valued Customers, As of today, it has been staggering one and a half months since all lessons became online. However, we appreciate your flexibility over the matter. Thanks to you, we are being able to manage lessons online as before, and on top of that, many of you have been learning at a higher […]
WBC Attracts the Greatest Interest in History
Author: Natsuko Seki When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 開幕 かいまく start ワールド・ベースボール・クラシックは3月8日に開幕しました。The World Baseball Classic started on March 8th. 注目 ちゅうもく attention 大谷翔平選手に注目が集まりました。Many eyes were on Ohtani Shohei. 二刀流 にとうりゅう two-way […]
Ojisan Koubun [New Expression and Buzzword]
おじさん構文Syntax of the middle-aged man Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 中年男性 ちゅうねんだんせい middle-aged men おじさんは中年男性を指します。The term "ojisan" refers to middle-aged men. おじさん おじさん ojisan おじさんは親しげにあいさつすることが多いです。Ojisan often greet people in a friendly manner. 若い人 わかいひと younger people おじさんは若い人に嫌われないように気を使っています。Ojisan are careful not to be disliked by […]
Arumonde [New Expression and Buzzword]
Author: Natsuko Seki When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. アルモンデWith what you have Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 冷蔵庫 れいぞうこ refrigerator 冷蔵庫の中にある食材で料理する。I cook with ingredients in the refrigerator. 前日の残り物 ぜんじつののこりもの leftovers from the previous day 前日の残り物で夕食を作った。I made […]
A Tour of Shrines to Collect the Seven Sacred Beads
Author: Natsuko Seki When reading on a smartphone, we recommend turning the screen to landscape mode. Warming up Audio Keywords and Summary Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English) 神社 じんじゃ shrine 私は神社でお参りをしてから仕事に行きました。I went to the shrine to pray before going to work. 神玉 かみたま sacred beads この神玉は神様の力が宿っていると信じられています。These sacred beads are believed […]