It is said there are three”slopes”(saka or zaka) in life: “noborizaka” (unhill), “kudarizaka”(downhill) and “masaka”(no way).
”Masaka” is used when facing an unexpected situation. In 2011 an earthquake struck out of the blue and this was followed by an incident at a nuclear powerplant caused by a tsunami.
At the end of last year a new type of corona-virus suddenly broke out in China and rapidly spread worldwide.
Since there is no tried-and-tested cure, afraid of infection, people have been gripped by anxiety.
The turmoil surrounding the quarantining of patients infected with the virus is reminiscent of the SARS outbreak of 2002 or even the plague during the Middle Ages in Europe.
There is an astonished senae of “masaka” that modern medicine cannot deal with the prob-lem even in this modern age where gene therapy is possible.
There is an astonished sense of “masaka” that modern medicine cannot deal with the prob-lem even in this modern age where gene therapy is possible.
There is also a “masaka” of disbelief that politicians passionate about military defense, even in in space, did not foresee this situation.
Ironically, it’s been rumored that the incident occurred as China was in the process of devel-oping biological weapons.
[10]マスクが不足(ふそく) する中(なか)、大量(たいりょう)に買(か)い込(こ)み転売(てんばい) して儲(もう)けるものもいました。これは「まさか」ではなく、このような事態(じたい)に人間(にんげん)の醜(みにく)い面(めん)が表面(ひょうめん)に出(で)たといえます。
In the midst of a surgical mask shortage, some people have been bulk purchasing masks and selling them on for a huge profit.
This does not elicit shocked cries of “masaka” as it’s in these kinds of situation that the ugly side if humanity surfaces.
A similar phenomenon occurred in 1973 when the oil crisis hit Japan. There was an uproar as people hoarded toilet paper.
A similar phenomenon occurred in 1973 when the oil crisis hit Japan. There was an uproar as people hoarded toilet paper.