Author: Katsuyuki Hasegawa
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Keywords and Summary
Japanese Word | Furigana | English Word | Example Sentence (Japanese & English) |
推し | おし | Favorite | 佐賀山佐賀市にある九州佐賀国際空港内に 「さが推しミュージアム」があります。 There is a "Saga Oshi Museum" located in Kyushu Saga International Airport in Saga City, Saga Prefecture. |
常設展示 | じょうせつてんじ | Permanent exhibition | 「さが推しミュージアム」は3月から常設展示されています。 The "Saga Oshi Museum" has been a permanent exhibition since March. |
アクリルスタンド | アクリルスタンド | Acrylic stands | アクリルスタンドで作られたフォトスポットで、佐賀県の名産品や有名な絵画を展示しています。 It's an acrylic stands "photo spot" showcasing famous paintings and local products of Saga Prefecture. |
モチーフにした | モチーフにした | Inspired by | 8点の作品は、フェルメールの「牛乳を注ぐ女」やヴァン・ゴッホの「ひまわり」などをモチーフにしています。 The collaborative paintings feature eight pieces inspired by Vermeer's "The Milkmaid" and Van Gogh's "Sunflowers". |
自由に | じゆうに | Freely | 有名な絵画と自分のアクスタを自由に組み合わせて写真を撮ることで楽しめます。 You can enjoy taking photos and to freely combine famous paintings with your own akusuta. |
Let's build up your reading skills
Since March, the “Saga Oshi (favorite) Museum” has been a permanent exhibition at Kyushu Saga International Airport in Saga City, Saga Prefecture.
3月から、佐賀山佐賀市にある九州佐賀国際空港内に 「さが推しミュージアム」が 常設展示されています。

It is a “photo spot” made entirely of acrylic stands, also known as akusuta, themed around famous paintings from around the world and local products of Saga Prefecture.
アクリルスタンド(アクスタ)だけで作られた 「フォトスポット」で、 世界の名画と佐賀の特産品をテーマにしています。

The collaborative paintings include eight pieces such as “Saga Sake-Pouring Woman,” which is inspired by Vermeer’s “The Milkmaid,” and “Arita-Yaki and Sunflowers,” which is inspired by Van GOGH’s “Sunflowers.”

You can freely combine famous paintings with your own akusuta to enjoy taking photos.

Additionally, 76 akusutas are available, including those of Saga’s famous products.