Author: Natsuko Seki

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Keywords and Summary

Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English)
記録的な きろくてきな Record-breaking 世界中で40度を超える記録的な高温が森林火災を引き起こし、日本でも6月以降に記録的な猛暑が続きました。
Global record temperatures surpassing 40°C sparked wildfires, while Japan had record-breaking heat from June.
洪水 こうずい Flooding 河川や湖が干上がる一方で、大雨で洪水が発生しました。
The torrential rains caused flooding while rivers and lakes dried up.
地球温暖化 ちきゅうおんだんか Global warming 2006年、「不都合な真実」は地球温暖化による異常気象の危険性に警鐘を鳴らしました。
In 2006, "An Inconvenient Truth" alarmed the world about abnormal weather caused by global warming.
気候変動 きこうへんどう Climate change 1997年、京都議定書が採択され、気候変動に対処するための国際的な枠組みが確立されました。
In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol established an international framework to combat climate change.
温室効果ガス おんしつこうかガス Greenhouse gas 2016年、温室効果ガスを大排出させていたアメリカと中国は協定に同意しましたが、トランプ大統領は離脱しました。
In 2016, the United States and China, which were major emitters of greenhouse gases, agreed to a treaty, but President Trump withdrew from it.
唱える となえる Advocate トランプ政権は製造業振興を唱え、気候変動を信ぴょう性のある問題とは認めませんでした。
The Trump administration advocated for the promotion of manufacturing industries and did not recognize climate change as a credible issue.
表明 ひょうめい Announce バイデン次期大統領は、就任直後にすぐに協定に復帰する意向を表明しました。
President-elect BIDEN announced his intention to return to the agreement shortly after taking office.
エネルギー不足 エネルギーぶそく Energy shortages 気候変動の中で、日本はエネルギー不足のために原子力発電所を再開する計画をしていますが、それにはリスクが伴います。
Amidst global warming, Japan due to energy shortages plans to restart nuclear power plants despite the risk.
目先の利益 めさきのりえき Immediate gains 現在進行中の地球温暖化やウイルスの脅威の中、人々は目先の利益を優先する傾向にあります。
Amid ongoing global warming and virus threats, people prioritize immediate gains.
正義 せいぎ Justice 政治家たちは正義の仮面をかぶり、民衆の心理を利用し、結果として不毛な歴史を作り出しています。
Politicians exploit the public sentiment under the mask of justice, leading to a sterile history.

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This year, record temperatures around the world were more than 40 degrees Celsius, sparking the breakout of many wildfires. In Japan, record-breaking hot days continued from June.


Furthermore, torrential rains caused flooding while rivers and lakes dried up.


Furigana for the “An Inconvenient Truth” Is a Reality
Furigana for the “An Inconvenient Truth” Is a Reality

In 2006, the American movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” pointing out the horrors of abnormal weather caused by global warming, was screened to sound an alarm to the world.


Prior to that, in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was enacted to establish an international framework for combating the threat of climate change.


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In 2016, the United States and China, the largest greenhouse gas emitters, agreed to the protocol. But then TRUMP, a global warming skeptic, became the president of the United States and announced the withdrawal from the agreement.


Global warming was an inconvenient topic for the Trump administration, which advocates for a resurgence of manufacturing. Due to this, it was reported that he had a number of pseudoscientists tell the public that global warming was not credible.


Hiragana, romaji and translation, for an easier understanding and learning.
Hiragana, romaji and translation, for an easier understanding and learning.

Regardless of its credibility, President-elect BIDEN announced his intention to return to the agreement shortly after taking office.


Amidst issues of global warming, Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine occurred in February of this year. In Japan, due to energy shortages, the re-use of nuclear power plants is about to begin, despite the risks involved.


Furigana for the “An Inconvenient Truth” Is a Reality
Furigana for the “An Inconvenient Truth” Is a Reality

With neither global warming nor the threat of viruses subsiding, the people, who seek to cling to immediate gains, and the politicians, who seek to exploit the public mind under the mask of justice, continue to have a history that is as sterile as ever.


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