Author: Katsuyuki Hasegawa

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The cultural agency move from Kyoto to Tokyo
Tokyo is not officially the capital of Japan?
Kyoto (former capital of Japan) translated to "the place where the emperor resides"

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Keywords and Summary

Japanese Word Furigana English Word Example Sentence (Japanese & English)
振興 しんこう Promotion 文化庁は、文化芸術や国際文化交流の振興を担当しています。
The Cultural Agency is responsible for promoting cultural arts and international cultural exchange.
東京 とうきょう Tokyo 3月に東京から京都へ移転しました。
The Cultural Agency moved from Tokyo to Kyoto in March.
みやこ The Capital 794年にが移された後、京都は日本の政治と文化の中心となりました。
After the capital moved to Kyoto in 794, it became the center of Japanese politics and culture.
政治 せいじ Politics 江戸時代において、武士の台頭とともに政治の中心は江戸に移りました。
During the Edo Period, with the rise of samurai, the political hub shifted to Edo.
近代化 きんだいか Modernization 明治維新の後、江戸は東京と改名され、日本の近代化を象徴しました。
After the Meiji Restoration, Edo was renamed Tokyo, marking Japan's modernization.
法律 ほうりつ Law 東京を首都とする法律はありません。
There is no law that specifies Tokyo as the capital.
京都 きょうと Kyoto 京都から東京への首都移転には、公家の反対がありました。
There were objections, including from court nobles, to moving the capital from Kyoto to Tokyo.
名目 めいもく Pretext 懸念を解消するため、東京訪問を名目にしたと言われています。
It is said that the Emperor visited Tokyo as a pretext to address the concerns.
天皇 てんのう The Emperor 京都における「京」は「天皇の居所」、「都」を意味します。
"Kyo" in Kyoto means "Emperor's residence," and "miyako" means "capital".
意味 いみ The meaning 「都」の元々の意味は「人々が集まる場所」です。
The original meaning of "miyako" is "a gathering place."
ひがし East 東京の名前は「の首都」という意味であると言われています。
Tokyo's name is said to reflect the "eastern capital."
画期的な かっきてきな Groundbreaking 京都の人々はこれを画期的な出来事として期待しています。
The people in Kyoto have expectations for this groundbreaking event.

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The Cultural Agency is a governmental organization responsible for promoting cultural arts and international cultural exchange. In March, the agency moved from Tokyo to Kyoto.


After the capital was moved from Nara to Kyoto in 794, it became not only the Emperor’s primary residence but also the epicenter of politics and culture in Japan.


Later with the rise of samurai, and during the Edo Period (17 - 19th centuries), the political hub moved to Edo (present-day Tokyo).


After the Meiji Restoration (1868-), a period marking the modernization of Japan, Edo was renamed Tokyo.


Although Tokyo is virtually considered as the capital of Japan, there is no official declaration or law that specifies Tokyo as the capital.


There were strong objections, including those from court nobles, to the relocation of the capital from Kyoto (the capital for over a thousand years) to Tokyo. To avoid problems, it is said that the Emperor made a pretext of visiting Tokyo.

千年以上都であった京都から東京への 遷都には、公家をはじめとする反対の声が強く、問題を避けるため、天皇が東京へ行幸(訪問)する 名目にしたと言われています。

The “Kyo” in Kyoto translates to “the place where the Emperor resides,” and “miyako 都” means “capital.”

京都の 「京」は天皇住まう皇居がある地、「都」(首都)を意味します。

The original meaning of “miyako” means “a place people gather.”


It is said that Tokyo was named as such to reflect the “eastern capital.”


For Kyoto locals, there are many expectations for the move, such as it represents a “groundbreaking event for Kyoto to become the cultural capital” and has “great significance in promoting the charms of this historic city, both domestically and internationally.”

地元では 「京都が文化首都となる画期的な出来事」、「歴史あるまちの魅力を国内外に発信する上で、大きな意義がある」など、多くの期待の声が寄せられています。

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