Author: Natsuko Seki
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Keywords and Summary
Japanese Word | Furigana | English Word | Example Sentence (Japanese & English) |
建国 | けんこく | founding | アメリカの建国の父と呼ばれるベンジャミン・フランクリン Benjamin Franklin, called the father of America's founding |
格言 | かくげん | saying | 「タイムイズマネー(時は金なり)」は、二百数十年前の格言です。 "Time is money" is a saying from over two hundred years ago. |
タイパ | たいぱ | taipa | 「タイパ」はタイムパフォーマンスの略です。 "Taipa" stands for "time performance. |
Z世代 | ぜっとせだい | generation Z | Z世代とは2000年前後に生まれた若者たちのことです。 Generation Z refers to young people born around the year 2000. |
満足度 | まんぞくど | satisfaction | かけた時間に対して得られる成果の満足度を表す言葉です。 It is a term that expresses the degree of satisfaction with the results obtained for the time spent. |
費用対効果 | ひようたいこうか | cost performance | 「コスパ」(コストパフォーマンスの略で、費用対効果)と対比して使われることもあります。 It is sometimes used in comparison with "cospa," which stands for "cost performance". |
価値 | かち | value | 現代社会では、モノの価値は多くの場合お金で換算されます。 In today's society, the value of goods is often translated into money. |
執着 | しゅうちゃく | attachment | お金に執着するよりも、時間に価値を見いだす若者は少なくないでしょう。 Instead of having an attachment to money, many young people find value in time. |
仲間 | なかま | peers | その一方で、仲間との話題についていけるようにも、時間を使っているようです。 On the other hand, they also spend time keeping up with the topics of conversation with their peers. |
映画 | えいが | movie | 「映画を早送りで観る人たち」という書籍が話題になっている。 A book called "People Who Fast-Forward Through Movies" is gaining attention. |
教養 | きょうよう | education | 「ファスト教養」といった書籍が話題になっていることからも見えてきます。 This can be seen in the popularity of books such as "Fast Education". |
豊かな生活 | ゆたかなせいかつ | prosperous life | 豊かな生活をするにはモノを得る必要がありました。 In order to live a prosperous life, it was necessary to acquire things. |
優先 | ゆうせん | priority | そのためお金を稼ぐことを優先しなければならなかった時代が過去にあったことも忘れてはいけません。 Let us not forget that there was a time in the past when one had to give priority to earning money. |
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Benjamin FRANKLIN, one of the founding fathers of the United States, once said, “Time is money,” a saying that is now more than two hundred years old.
As if to emulate that lesson, the term “taipa” is spreading among Generation Z in Japan.

Generation Z is a group of young people born around the year 2000.
“Taipa” is an abbreviation for “time performance,” a term used to describe the degree of satisfaction with the results obtained for the time spent. It is sometimes used in comparison with “cospa,” which stands for “cost performance.”

In todayʼs society, the value of goods is often translated into money. As a result, the only goal is to obtain money, and much of our time is spent on the consumption of goods, leaving us no time to enjoy life.
Generation Z has been surrounded by an abundance of goods since birth, and many young people are able to make a living without working hard. Instead of being attached to money, many young people value their time.

On the other hand, they are also using the time to keep up with the topics of conversation with their peers. This can be seen in the popularity of books such as “People Who Fast-Forward Through Movies” and “Fast Education.”
While a large amount of content is available for free or cheap via social networking sites, the “taipa” mindset also causes people to feel pressure to get more done in a limited amount of time.

Let us not forget that there was a time in the past when one needed to acquire things in order to live a prosperous life, and to do so, one had to prioritize earning money.