Author: Natsuko Seki
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Laid-back club activities
Warming up Audio
Keywords and Summary
Japanese Word | Furigana | English Word | Example Sentence (Japanese & English) |
勝ち負け | かちまけ | winning or losing | 「ゆる部活」は、勝ち負けよりも運動を楽しむことに重点を置いています。 The focus of "Yuru Bukatsu" (laid-back club activities) is to enjoy exercising rather than winning or losing. |
部活動 | ぶかつどう | club activities | 学校には様々な部活動があります。 There are various club activities in school. |
曜日 | ようび | day of the week | 曜日ごとにスポーツを変える学校もあります。 Some schools also have different sports for each day of the week. |
対比 | たいひ | contrast | 「ゆる部活」の対比として「本気部活」という言葉が作られました。 The term "Honki Bukatsu" (serious club activities) was created as a contrast to "Yuru Bukatsu" (laid-back club activities). |
本気 | ほんき | serious | 真剣に競技に取り組む部活を「本気部活」と表現します。 "Honki Bukatsu" (serious club activities) refers to clubs where members engage in their activities seriously and competitively. |
Mini Lesson: club activities in Japanese
When you want to say "I am in the swimming team." in Japanese, what kind of phrases do you use? Actually, it can be said with a simple phrase.
Japanese | Furigana | English |
私は [水泳部] に所属しています。 | わたし は すいえいぶ に しょぞく して います。 | I belong to the swimming team. |
私は [水泳部] に所属していました。 | わたし は すいえいぶ に しょぞく して いました。 | I was in the swimming team. |
Now, let's see how to say your club activities in Japanese!
Japanese Word | Furigana | English Word |
水泳部 | すいえいぶ | swimming team |
サッカー部 | サッカーぶ | soccer team |
野球部 | やきゅうぶ | baseball team |
バスケットボール部 | バスケットボールぶ | basketball team |
陸上部 | りくじょうぶ | track-and-field team |
吹奏楽部 | すいそうがくぶ | brass band club |
演劇部 | えんげきぶ | drama club |
写真部 | しゃしんぶ | photography club |
Let's build up your reading skill
ゆる部活・Yuru Bukatsu
These are club activities in which students enjoy exercising without worrying about winning or losing.

Some schools play a different sport each day of the week.

For contrast, some media describe the opposite as "serious club activities.”